Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to our blog!

Monday, 9 March 2015

Thank you KidsCan!!

On Friday afternoon we got a special delivery, it was some awesome Warriors Jackets for everyone in our class!  The jackets are so warm and waterproof, they even had our names on them.  We were so excited to get this amazing present, we didn't want to take them off!  Thank you so much KidsCan!

Welcome to Room 14!

Welcome Oziah!  Oziah has his big brother Rory and big sister Kahupara at our school so he is very excited to be here as well.

Room 14 - Reaching for the Stars!

Whaea Maxine was in our class on Wednesday and we created this amazing display!  Thank you so much Whaea Maxine!

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Happy Birthday and Welcome to Room 14!

Pua started in room 14 today and it was an extra special day because it was his birthday!
Thank you for bringing yummy blue birthday cupcakes Pua!

From Seeds to Seedlings!

We got to school on Monday to see an exciting surprise - our Parsley has started growing!
This was taken Friday afternoon

Wow - look what happened over the weekend!